ERC404 x A.I.

The most powerful A.I. modular launchpad with native liquidity and fractionalization.

GENAI Ecosystem


Core functions for all buidlers

  • A.I. NFT Generator

    Utilize our A.I. powered layer based generator to create full collections with metadata in minutes.

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    DN404 Factory

    Take the stress out of launching your own ERC404 token. Our next modular solution is coming soon.

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    Proprietary Models

    GENAI utilizes custom trained image models with additional access to restricted models via private API.

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    Funding Platform

    Our funding platform provides creators a place to showcase and validate their ideas early into development.


ERC404 but better

GENAI is built on a gas optimized improvement to the “ERC404” Token + NFT phenomenon designed by an elite team of smart contract developers.

Their DN404 implementation saves more gas and is more secure thanks to use of ethereum dark magic. The GENAI team took that one step further.

  • Price Action Unit Bias


    Where the current DN meta opted to keep 1 to 1 parity between coin and nft, GENAI adopted a different approach to psychologically induce demand.

    100 GENAI Tokens are worth 1 GENPAL NFT.

  • Default Skip NFT


    Most dual nature Token NFT projects automatically mint an NFT to the wallet that purchases a balance to support it. This results in a huge gas burden on holders.

    DN404 ships with the ability to elect to skip that process, allowing you to purchase just the token, but why not just make that the default option and save everyone hundreds of dollars?

    DN404MS was developed by MiladyStation to address this. Now you can swap for tokens and choose to mint them at your leisure when gas is lower using the balanceMint() function on the contract.

  • Native Bot Protection


    Our contract blacklists sniper bot routers and imposes a 1000 per wallet max holding limit (10 NFTS equiv) during the first hours of trading to make sure holders can grab their tokens without anyone eating their lunch.